Wednesday, March 27, 2013

animation project

i've started this project, and thought i'd show off some of the work i've been doing so people can know what i am up to. this is in particular for those people who agreed to help me out so they know what i'm getting them into.

 this is (above) a test of the concept. combine this with rotoscope animation and you've got the basic idea. i wanted to make sure that it wouldn't look too disturbing before embarking on the heavy work.  the right amount of disturbing. four frame cycle.
first test of the rotoscope technique i'm using. i print out my reference then i register the frames to the corners and then trace. you can see this guy eyeing me suspiciously. I recorded this reference outside chinatown station.
second test i did. at this point i hadn't numbered my pages so i was wary that i might of lost track and made a mistake. i'm going to test a lot less in the future because it takes a lot of time. 

first two seconds of animation. ready to colour.